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Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense ABX00069
The 2-axis plastic Pan Tilt System - Not assembled
Self -locking Drones Propeller CW/CCW
CH9121 Serial Port to Ethernet Network Module
CPU comparison Single Coin selector Single Coin acceptor TW-131
ESP32-C3 Development Board ESP32 Super Mini WiFi Blue tooth module
VC-02-Kit AI Intelligent Offline Speech Module
Raspberry Pi Pico W With Wireless WiFi Module Dual-Core ARM Cortex MO+RP2040 MCU
EZP2023 USB Programmer High Speed USB EEPROM Flash Programmer for 24 25 93 BIOS
ATMEGA32U4 3.3V/8M 5V/16M Pro Micro Development board
TTGO T-SIM7000G ESP32-WROVER-B Wireless communication Development Board
Simple Expansion Board NANO IO Shield V1.O Nano Shield
ESP-12F WeMos D1 WiFi Development Board Based ESP8266
BBC Micro Bit V2.2 Go Kit
Carving machine 3D printer expansion board CNC Shield V3 for A4988
ESP32-S3 WiFi Compatible BLE 5.0 Mesh ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 Development board N8R2
Arduino UNO R4 Minima
Raspberry Pi 4 model B 8GB Python Linux Development board
Integrated NRF24L01 wireless module RF-Nano Compatible with ATMEGA328P Nano V3.0
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Development Board