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ATtiny85 Microcontroller

The high-performance, low-power Microchip 8-bit AVR® RISC-based microcontroller combines 8 KB ISP Flash memory, 512B EEPROM, 512B SRAM, six general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, one 8-bit timer/counter with compare modes, one 8-bit high-speed timer/counter, USI, internal and external Interrupts, 4-channel 10-bit A/D converter, programmable watchdog timer with internal oscillator, three software selectable power saving modes, and debugWIRE for on-chip debugging. The device achieves a throughput of 20 MIPS at 20 MHz and operates between 2.7-5.5 volts.

By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the device achieves throughputs approaching one MIPS per MHz, balancing power consumption and processing speed.


Functional Safety:

This product is recommended for safety-critical applications targeting industrial and automotive products (IEC 61508 and ISO 26262). Necessary documentation, such as the FMEDA report, can be provided on request. Contact your local Microchip sales office or your distributor for more information.



1. ATtiny25, ATtiny45, ATtiny85 Datasheet Summary

2. Bare Metal Programming: ATtiny85

3. How to Program an Attiny85 From an Arduino Uno

4. Program ATtiny85 directly via USB (Youtube Video)


ATtiny85 Microcontroller


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